Thursday, July 25, 2013

Three Good Things Thursday

This afternoon I’ve been a bit grumpy and belly-achy and my good friend Lecia, when we went out on our afternoon walking break (in the currently one million degree heat), even admonished me to stop whining, although she was very nice about it.

So, I thought, what better time to get cracking on my Three Good Things Thursday post?


I have gorgeous hydrangeas on my desk. A colleague of mine has a yard full of ‘em, dinner-plate-sized bundles of blooms that are just amazing and she has been bringing them to me.

July is almost over. Which means August is just around the corner, which means I only need to wait a little over a month until September. I love September, because that means cooler weather and autumn, which is my favorite season for ever and ever.

Cold, cold water on a stupid hot day. Not much more I need to say about that.

Hope your Thursday has been at least as stunning as mine!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Three Good Things Thursday

I am taking a cue from one of my longtime online friends Dave Graham and am going to try to post three good things every Thursday.

While I don't think I've ever been downright and wholeheartedly ungrateful about the general condition of my life, I know that I certainly don't pause nearly often enough to be intentionally grateful. I really do believe that this whirlwind existence could always be worse, some way, any day that I am not passed out in a gutter somewhere with tire tracks on my legs and needle tracks on my arms, I guess I'm doing pretty darned ok. (Not that I have ever, EVER been anywhere near such a state, but hey, sometimes the falls in life can be pretty spectacular in scope.)

So without further ado, here are my Three Good Things for today, Thursday, July the 18th, two-oh-one-three:

I have a fan in my office. It's been stupid hot (by my sterling standards) around here lately, and the fan has probably saved my life. (I could go on a tear right now about how much I hate it when it gets above 70 degrees outside, but this is Three GOOD Things, not One Good Thing and a Huge Rant.)

I am not lactose intolerant. Seriously, what would I do without cheese? And greek yogurt? And creeeeeam!! Whipped and/or heavy, on my pie or in my coffee. I would be miserable, that's what I would be.

I finally have an office with a window again. From about this time in July of 2007 up until about two months ago, I had been holed up in an interior office in my building, sharing the smallish space with six giant filing cabinets my desk and some shelves and my aforementioned fan. Ask me how dark it gets in there when the power goes out - I dare you!

So, there you go.

Happy Thursday, all!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Why this? Why now?

Well.....why not?

I'm a writer. It's what I do, at least when I can break through the procrastinatory haze and just do it. (Is "procrastinatory" even a word? Probably not. Do I care? Not really.) I even have a freshly-minted bachelor's degree that officially makes me a writer, as an erstwhile Writing and Lit/Philosophy major. (Don't be's the Philosophy part that really makes it legit. No joke.)

I also think I have a story to tell - one with thousands of experiences already said, felt, expressed and done, but also one that is still very much in process. After all, isn't that simply the definition of life, when it comes down to it..? I hold little doubt that my life is exciting probably to only about three people, including me, but a master story teller has the ability to make the wiring schematic for a toaster oven seem riveting. (Not that I necessarily consider myself a master story teller per se, but hey, you're at the end of the second full paragraph and you're still reading, right?)

In any case, I've been mulling over in my head the creation of this blog for some time now. I've even had an introductory post mostly written for months. But...I mean, really..... how many millions of blogs are out there now? You can't go two inches on the Internets without bumping into one or a hundred, and each one is a singular blazing shrine dedicated to the author's desire to let the world know.

That's the beauty of blogging....the mind-bogglingly easy way to get it all on out there: Aunt Flossie's meltdown at Thanksgiving about too much corn starch in the gravy, and how it must be the cause of her gout flare-up. That uber-awesome salad you made for lunch...I mean, like, avocado! Cherry tomatoes off your very own personal cherry tomato plant! Organic dressing! Or your zygote/baby/adolescent/teenager who is made of so much awesome that your head just might explode. Right now. Or those damned liberal/conservative/libertarian/satan-worshipping drooling Neanderthal idiots who are personally seeing to it that the Great American Dream is smashed to smithereens on the rocks of shoddy idealism. Or cats. And cheeseburgers. Celebrity memes? Oh yes!

This blog might not be all that different, to be sure....but I don't have any aunts named Flossie, my love for salad doesn't amount to much more than grudging tolerance unless it's swimming in about an inch of ranch dressing, and although my three sons are pretty much made of all sorts of awesome, my head has never actually exploded. And politics? They are like the plague to me. Don't get me wrong: I have an opinion, and it's pretty strong. But I'm not even a little teeny-tiny bit interested in wading in that poisonous pool, so I won't. Most of the time.

So what will this blog be about, you might ask?

Whatever this runner/reader/writer/mother/Crossfitter/married/ragingliberalChristianfeminist (One word! For reals!) woman feels like talking about.

Welcome aboard - drinks will be served shortly on the lido deck. Please mind your manners (and your children) and keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times.
