Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Evening Edition

Quite the lazy day around Casa del Verde.

Not that there was a lack of things to do, but the motivation meter was hovering near zero for the most part and it was what it was. This absence of inertia would surely earn me a sound scolding from my dad, who is pretty much the kind of person who needs to have some sort of activity scheduled - preferably ones that never involve sitting of any kind - for nearly every waking hour of the day. Every day. He's like the Energizer Bunny, my pops. Which is likely why he'll live to be about 150. Which is more than fine with me.

My pops. Looks pretty darned good for the Energizer Bunny, I think. Dad's got smaller ears, though.

In other news, my little brother turned 40 today. In remembering how kind and thoughtful he was to me when I turned 40, let's just say I've been waiting a loooooooooooong time for this day. I wish I'd been there to express to him my most sincerest birthday wishes in person, but he's three hours away. So I left him a nice message on his voice mail and on his FB wall. With just a little tiny bit of ribbing. Just a little.

The Energizer Bunny's son (and my newly-minted "over the hill" sibling.) This picture is a few years old, but it captures him pretty well. Yeah, well at least I know where he gets his vim and vigor.
So, that's about the size of it this everning. And oh - just so that ya'll aren't disappointed, here's my weather report: it will still be in the 80's (yuck) for the first few days of this coming week, and then hover in the high to mid-70's for the next few days after that. An improvement, I suppose.


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