Thursday, August 15, 2013

Three Good Things Thursday

Lessee......what can I come up with on this fine example of a Thursday....?

Pumpkin Spice Coffee.
I still have a few K-Cups of this stuff left from the last holiday season. Not only is it incredible as a regular cup o' joe, but it makes a killer iced latte with coconut milk and a splash of heavy whipping cream. I discovered this particularly delightful combination this morning, and just now sipped the last of it. Sad face (until tomorrow morning, if I don't just help myself to another one this afternoon.)

Freshly laundered mattress covers.
Clean sheets are amazing in and of themselves, but when the mattress cover is also right out of the washer/dryer, both together are beyond heavenly. If I had the time, I would probably wash it and also change the sheets every single day. There are probably some eccentric souls out there somewhere who actually do this (OCD, anyone?) but who has the time....? Except for someone with OCD, that is.

Rain after a long dry spell.
It's been unseasonably dry here this summer, which is a bummer. But the smell (and feel) of rain when it first starts, after the weather's been bone-parched for weeks and weeks? Oh yeah. And for my friends in Southern Oregon, who have been dealing with extremely severe smoke issues from all the wildfires there lately, it has certainly been a true Godsend. Except when it came with additional lightning strikes, which unfortunately, was the case several times. Well, I guess you can't win 'em all, right?

I'll bet ya'll just can't wait until I stop babbling about the weather, huh....?


  1. oh, what brand of K-cups are these pumpkin spice ones? I want some!

    I too love freshly laundered mattress covers. I just don't love the work it takes getting them clean and on the bed. but getting into the bed, especially if they are still warm. that is amazing.

    it is like, almost raining here. and it is awesome. because it is not over a hundred degrees. freaking texas.

    yay for new posts!!

    1. I think they're Green Mountain. Got them at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Have those down there?

      It's been almost raining up here all day, but no love. The sprinkles we had yesterday were definitely not sufficient, despite the magnificent scent......
